Pet Travel Certificates

Chico Creek Animal Hospital Veterinary Services

Learn more about obtaining documents for traveling with your pet!

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Pet Travel Certificates

Chico Creek Animal Hospital offers travel certificates for international travel with your pet.

Border collie in grass

Travel Certificates in Chico, CA

We are now happily offering the service of International Health certificates for our patients! If you are traveling abroad and are planning to take your pet with you,  you will need an International Health Certificate. Planning ahead is the most important thing you can do when preparing to travel with your pet. Before you start the process, you should book a consultation appointment with DR Cehrs.

Please go to this website and read about some of the requirements for the country you are traveling to

Travel Certificate Form

Veterinary Services

Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Chico Creek Animal Hospital. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.